
So you want to be a speaker?

A young woman, Karen, recently asked how she might begin a speaking career. While she had, through her own personal experiences, become an expert on the Feldenkrais Method—a movement based somatic educational system—questions such as what to speak about and how to market herself remained. Ultimately, she wondered what she would say.

I offered the following from my own experience...

Karen, congratulations! I wish you the best in your new (ad)venture. Your years of experience working with children and the Feldenkrais Method clearly offer you a valuable, unique perspective. While I’m unfamiliar with the Feldenkrais Method, its reminds me of the Alexander Technique.

Years ago, I worked with a young mother as she prepared to reenter academia as a medical student. Unable to afford the support she needed, she offered to barter—one hour of tutoring for one hour of Alexander Technique. Needless to say (at least to those who know me), knowing nothing whatsoever of the Alexander Technique, I jumped at the opportunity. I’m glad you’ve jumped at yours.

With so many professional and, no doubt, master speakers offering such valuable guidance throughout myriad online communities, I hesitate to speak up—then, speaking up is what I’ve always done...

So, what do YOU want to say?